It’s stinking hot today. Almost 30 degrees ~no clouds ~no breeze and I just picked the last bundle of lavender for the 2015 harvest!
Because of the heat I’m rather glad it’s over…however there is a feeling of sadness with that last cut. Even though it is incredibly hard hand labour work there is nothing (for me) sweeter than cutting this glorious herb!
The last 49 bundles are laying on a drying rack waiting for me to hang them on the drying line…here they are with the “tools of my trade” ~ a sun hat, cutting shears and rubber bands~ put down for the season.

Last Lavender bundle of 2015 picked July 27 2015
I will, (very soon!) post the final tally of the 2015 Harvest. If you want to get in on the contest and guess the total number of bundles in the 2015 Harvest head on over to Lavender Hill Hippie on Facebook and find the contest post and make a comment on the contest posting with your guess! The person to comment closest to the final tally wins a bar of Lavender Hill Hippie Lavender Soap and a Lavender Sachet.
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