Are you looking for Lavandula angustifolia? Culinary Lavender?

Are you looking for Lavandula angustifolia (culinary lavender; lavender for cooking) because you saw one of the Lavender recipes in the LCBO Food & Drink Magazine?

At last weeks Flesherton & District Farmers’ Market, several people made a beeline to Lavender Hill Hippie looking to buy “lavender for cooking”. I asked each of them what they were making and all had seen lavender recipes in the summer 2016 Edition of Food & Drink magazine that they were eager to try.

I had to find a myself a copy of the magazine and it’s FABULOUS! On the cover Blueberry-Lavender White Chocolate Cheesecake. By far this was the recipe my customers were planning to make using my Culinary Lavender purchased at the Market.

Here is a peek inside the Magazine:

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I want to try the lavender chocolate sorbet recipe found inside the Food & Drink Magazine. My sister wants to try the Lavender Lemon Curd Tarts. There is also a recipe for Lavender-Raspberry Mojito.

Purchase Culinary Lavender from the Rustic Lavender Boutique

Here’s another tip from the Magazine article “Sweet on Lavender” by Julia Aitken, Photography by Rob Fiocca

“…if buying lavender from a farm, ask if it’s suitable for cooking. To find a farm near you that sells culinary lavender, visit”

I’m off to my kitchen now to prep for the Lavender Chocolate Sorbet.